Please read all of the information below. Those applying for direct application to "Member" or "Associate" need to complete an additional form and pay the additional administration fee.

Below are the ANNUAL fees, these will be prorated for those joining part way through the year, for that first year.

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Members and Associate applicants, as well as completing the automated self-enrolment system above, you will also need to email the appropriate completed form(s) below. Please send them to, thank you.

The administration fee can be found as a "shop" item via < this link > , if you pay this fee AFTER joining it will be linked to your membership.

By applying for membership of ITAI you: 

  • Undertake to observe the provisions of the memorandum and articles of association and all rules made thereunder.
  • Undertake to pay to the institute during my membership such fees and annual subscriptions as the council shall from time to time prescribe.
  • Agree to my details being retained by the Institute [GDPR] as needed by them.

Until a full or associate member you also:

  • Undertake not to use your membership of ITAI as a qualification in any circumstances.

Are you a student in the field of collision reconstruction - yes, you can join for just £20 per year and gain access to the weath of knowledge within ITAI with no further forms after your initial joining details are supplied. If you are studying with AiTS, please speak to them about the unique joining offer they can provide regarding ITAI.

Joining Information

Membership of The Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators (ITAI) is not open to corporate bodies and is available only to individuals.

There are five grades of membership:

Affiliate membership is open to anyone having an interest in Traffic Accident Investigation; it is not restricted to a person practising in any particular traffic accident investigation discipline.  Affiliate membership may not be used as a qualification.

Student membership is open to anyone undertaking formal education and who has an interest in Traffic Accident Investigation; it is not restricted to a person studying any particular traffic accident investigation subject.  This grade of membership is aimed at those in full time education OR a part time degree course such as the De Montfort University course run by AiTS [please inform us what course you are on when applying for this grade of membership]. Student membership may not be used as a qualification.

Associate membership is intended for those working in a specific area of accident investigation, such as a vehicle examiner, who might be unable to demonstrate that they have qualifications, knowledge and experience in the wider spectrum of accident investigation.  This grade may also be awarded to an applicant for full Membership, whose application demonstrates that they are working in the general field of accident investigation and have demonstrated competence, but not to the expert standard required for the award of full Membership.

Member status is for those who have attained relevant qualifications in accident investigation and reconstruction, who can demonstrate expertise and experience in this discipline.

Retired status is for those members no longer working in accident investigation and reconstruction but who wish to receive copies of the Institute’s publications.  This grade will entitle the member to the discounted rates offered to Institute members at events.


The ethos of ITAI is to promote excellence in the mechanical engineering science of accident (collision) investigation and reconstruction.  Its grading system acknowledges the abilities of individual practitioners in this field of work.

Robust, accurate and transparent forensic collision investigation and reconstruction, utilising the services of practitioners who are knowledgeable, qualified, experienced and who can provide evidence of current Continuing Professional Development (CPD) equips the criminal justice system to make equitable decisions.

Associate Member and Member are higher grades of membership that are awarded only after specific application and assessment.

Holders of these higher grades of this Institute are certified to have achieved these attributes having undergone assessment and peer review of their casework.  As such, the Criminal Justice System and the public can have confidence in the abilities of Experts who are members of this Institute.

This Institute can have confidence only in Members or Associate Members of ITAI who maintain continuing professional development records (CPD.)  Such CPD achievements are discoverable publicly on the Institute’s web site.


Application Forms for Full and Associate Membership 

Additional to the online process please download (save to your computer) the form and complete it in English. Then either print it for posting to ITAI or you can send the form via e-mail [preferred]. These forms are in Microsoft Word format, if you need the document in ‘pdf’ format please contact, thank you.

Standing order forms

Other Membership Forms

Certificate of Professional Competence

In addition to grades of membership and professional registration, ITAI accredits its Full members, who are engaged in forensic roles and who meet ITAI’s protocol, a Certificate of Professional Competence in Forensic Collision Investigation [CPC FCI]. The certificate is available on application only.

Please click HERE for full details or the certification process [pdf].

Please click HERE for the application form in Word Format


Membership to affiliate grade is expected to be completed within a day or applicaiton subject to correct unformation being entered within the online application. Applicants for Associate and Full membership are expected to be able to proceed at the time of application (Sufficient CPD, papers, reports etc). These applications are typically completed within about three months. Where the process extends to six months or more, a review may be required by the Grades Assessment Team. Unnecessary delays caused by the applicant may be a factor for a failed application.


During the process for the application of associate or membership to ITAI, the necessary documentation for the submissions is forwarded to an authorised grades assessor.  If the assessor considers the application does not meet the required standard for a particular grade of membership, the application will be forwarded, without comment, to an alternative authorised assessor.  Upon completion of the second assessment, if the assessor forms the same opinion, the applicant will be notified that the application has failed and will be provided with feed‑back as to the reasons for the decision.  The applicant will also be provided with assistance to progress any further development that is required and encouraged to re-apply in the future.

However, if the applicant takes issue with the outcome of the assessment process he or she may appeal.  Any appeal must be in writing, outlining the reason(s) at the earliest opportunity.  The communications should be addressed to the Grades Assessment Secretary and sent, where possible, via e-mail to  This will enable the Secretary to reconsider matters and progress any possible resolution of the issues raised.

In the event that the appeal cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the matter will be referred to the General Secretary who shall bring the matter to the attention of the Council of Management for the Institute at its next scheduled meeting.  Again, where possible, communication should be sent via e-mail to 

At the discretion of the Council of Management appeals may be made in person; however, costs incurred will not normally be met by the Institute.

The decision of the Council of Management shall be final.

Where an application for Associate or Full membership is successful, the applicant may use AMITAI or MITAI respectively, with immediate effect.

  • Non-returnable Registration Fee (non-current members of ITAI only) – £15
  • Administration fee (applicable to all applications for Associate or Full Membership) £60
  • Annual Subscription Fee for membership grade sought:
  • Affiliate – £50
  • Associate – £60
  • Full Member – £70
  • Retired – £20
  • Student – £20

All membership fees are payable annually on 1st January, the Institute year is from 1st January to December. Subscriptions taken out mid-year will be calculated prorata.

Subscriptions are Tax deductible (Quote Ref No: APP/T1644/10/1990)

Copyright © The Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators

All Rights Reserved Registered in England as Company No. 2753420 at 3 Doolittle Yard, Froghall Road, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, MK45 2NW, UK [not for mail]

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